Color Name |
sRGB Value |
Black |
#000000 |
Silver |
#C0C0C0 |
Gray |
#808080 |
White |
Maroon |
#800000 |
Red |
#FF0000 |
Purple |
#800080 |
Fuchsia |
#FF00FF |
Green |
#008000 |
Lime |
#00FF00 |
Olive |
#808000 |
Yellow |
#FFFF00 |
Navy |
#000080 |
Blue |
#0000FF |
Teal |
#008080 |
Aqua |
#00FFFF |
Color Name |
sRGB Value |
Çok açık gri |
Açık gri |
Gümûşi |
#C0C0C0 |
Gri |
#999999 |
Koyu gri |
#666666 |
Daha koyu gri |
#333333 |
Siyah |
#000000 |
Açık Aqua |
Aqua |
#00FFFF |
Açık fon mavisi |
Koyu fon mavisi |
Çok açık mavi |
#99CCFF |
Açık mavi |
#66CCFF |
Mavi |
#3366CC |
Canlı mavi |
#000fff |
Lacivert |
#000099 |
Koyu Lacivert |
#000080 |
Color Name |
sRGB Value |
Açık sarı |
Yellow |
#FFFF00 |
Koyu sarı |
#FFF000 |
Açık Gold |
#FFCC99 |
Gold |
#FFCC66 |
Koyu Gold |
#FFCC33 |
Açık yağ rengi |
#999900 |
Koyu yağ rengi |
#987654 |
Olive |
#808000 |
Açık Kahverengi |
#E9E9DF |
Brown |
Brown |
Çok koyu Kahverengi |
#990000 |
Açık yeşil |
#00FF00 |
Green |
#008000 |
Açık petrol yeşili |
#009999 |
Petrol yeşili |
#008080 |
Renk Deneme yeri |
#D1D1EE |
Note that the hexadecimal form is better supported than the color names for the color attributes of BODY.
Script attribute values are client-side scripts, typically a function call or a few short statements. The value may contain entities (e.g., ").
Attribute values of type StyleSheet are style sheet data. The value may contain entities.
Attribute values of type FrameTarget must begin with a letter in the range A-Z or a-z, with the exception of the following special values that begin with an underscore:
- _blank renders the link in a new, unnamed window
- _self renders the link in the current frame (useful for overriding a BASE TARGET)
- _parent renders the link in the immediate FRAMESET parent
- _top renders the link in the full, unframed window